
Thursday, February 22, 2018


This week for s-stem I have been doing my maintenance duty. The first day was pretty hard, only because I had to get rid of all the old bacteria tubes.  The smell was about ten times worse then the ugly smell of the incubators (barf!). I had to separate the glass tubes from the plastic caps,  the caps go to the autoclave and the glass tube is disposed of in the proper glass bin.  The dead bacteria is simply poured down the drain. My second task was to put all the clean glassware back on the shelf, a much more pleasant task.  The past couple weeks have been very very busy with WAESO as my team preps for the upcoming conference.  So so much to do.


  1. I remember you telling me about this! From your post I can see that you are learning a lot of good lab techniques and how to work a sterile lab. But I totally understand about the smell of the incubators, the first weeks are going to be the most getting used to the smell. I remember my first time I could smell the smell for days. You will get used to it.

  2. I am definitely a smell-oriented person, so I can't imagine the torture you went through having to smell all that aged bacteria. You are definitely a trooper, Maria! I can't wait to hear about your experience with the WAESO Conference!


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